Quick quiz: If you’re a woman, how many novels do you read a year? How about us men? Bet the women win. Some sources say 55% of women readers choose fiction compared to 45% of men. Women average nine books a year while men read only five, It’s no wonder only 20% of the fiction market is made of men these days.
Unfortunately, we men are missing out. Studies show reading fiction helps people be more adept in social situations by increasing empathy, creativity, and what cognitive scientists call the “theory of the mind” — the ability to anticipate what another will do based on how we think that person perceives a situation. Who wouldn’ want to handle himself/herself better socially? Social skills can benefit all areas of our lives — family, work, leisure, etc. So, what can men do to read more? Here are some suggestions.
These are just a few ideas to trigger your own. Please feel free to share them with others. Happy reading! For more information see: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/fiction-readers-an-endangered-species-2013-10-11 http://www.artofmanliness.com/2012/04/29/why-men-should-read-more-fiction/ http://www.gallup.com/poll/188078/hits-new-low-favorite-spend-evening.aspx?g_source=reading&g_medium=search&g_campaign=tiles http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1417522
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